Run Forest, Run!
- Posted by Christine
- On June 8, 2016
- 0
What’s your cadence?
Are you just starting to run? Have you run for a long time? Do you prefer short distances or racking up the km’s? Regardless of these questions you should know about your cadence!
Cadence means how many steps you take in a given amount of time. Naturally, we should take about 3 steps per second, or 180 steps per minute. I often say this to patients and their immediate response is, I can’t run any faster than I already am. I don’t want you to run faster, just take more steps at your current pace. Regardless of your speed or pace your cadence should stay steady and not vary according to your speed. Try not to think about it too much, just think quick, fast steps!
I loved taking the Running Injury Prevention course through The Running Clinic! They have an awesome website full of great running tips – check it out here:
Move Well. Live Well.
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