Moving Announcement! đź“Ł
- Posted by Christine
- On December 3, 2023
- 0
Hello all,
As you may know, I am moving my practice, and will be in my new space as of January 1st, 2024! Move Authentically Physiotherapy (MAP) will be located at 817 Blackburn Mews in the lower level. My new phone number is (613) 305-9844.
I am very grateful to Sonya, and everyone at Kingston Integrated Healthcare (KIHC) for an amazing seven and a half years! I have been able to grow and flourish at KIHC, and will take those experiences with me in this new endeavor. My dream since Physio School has been to have other like-minded physios working with me. I hope in the new space I’ll be able to find other physios who are motivated by the client-centered care you have seen thus far. That being said, I will continue to stay connected to KIHC in a few different ways. I will be a part of the KIHC Advisory Team, as well as staying in touch with KIHC practitioners to ensure client care remains high. Stay tuned as there will be more developments in due time.
I am very excited about this new venture, and can’t wait for you to see the space. If you would like continued updates and access to great blog posts, please sign up for my newsletter  here. Also, follow me on Facebook, and on Instagram.
In the new space you can expect the same great, compassionate care that you are used to. The Jane Scheduling System (like KIHC uses) will be used, and all of your physiotherapy charts will be transferred over with me. You can book your appointments into the new year in the current KIHC system, and all information/bookings will be transitioned into the MAP system automatically over the holidays. The physiotherapy prices will remain the same as what they currently are at KIHC.
From the outside of the building you will see the sign “Frontenac Denture Clinic”. With my new clinic space being in the lower level, there is a flight of stairs from the front entrance. If now or in the future, you would like/require ground floor access, please let me know as there is an alternate entrance that is convenient and accessible.
If you have any questions, please reach out by email ( or by phone (613-305-9844)!
Thank you for your continued support!

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