
We are Moving!

We are excited to share that on January 1st, 2024 we will be moving to 817 Blackburn Mews, Kingston.


Move Well, Live Well

Each individual has a unique way of moving that they have learned throughout their life. If one is missing movement, flexibility or strength in an area, another area will adapt and compensate. Throughout one’s life we accumulate these movement errors and they will eventually cause pain. At MAP we unravel these individual movement problems, like we are piecing together a puzzle. By examining the whole body’s movement we will find each individual’s true movement pattern.


Move Authentically Physiotherapy offers a variety of treatment techniques to ensure each individual is treated efficiently and effectively. Each treatment is individualized based on the diagnosis, the stage of healing, the patient’s pain levels, and the goals of treatment.


At Move Authentically Physiotherapy we are dedicated to our clients and offer patient-focused, evidence-based physiotherapy treatments. We will go above and beyond to ensure that each client is well cared for.


Move Authentically Physiotherapy’s blog always has something interesting to learn! If you want to learn more about the body and how it works this educational blog is a must!

Christine Campbell

Registered Physiotherapist, Clinic Owner

  • Canadian Physiotherapy Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Level 1, 2 & 3 certification
  • Certified Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) provider
  • Certified in Acupuncture & Dry Needling
  • Running Injuries Prevention Specialist
  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS, NSCA)
  • Clinical Instructor, Queen’s University


Likely, 80% of the injuries seen in clinic could be prevented by moving well! If you have the mobility and strength to move well and know how to move you could train more, lift more, be more active with you kids. Why let pain and dysfunction limit your life, start on the road to recovery now.

What does Move Authentically Mean?

  • Posted by Christine
  • On February 10, 2024
  • 0
A number of people have been asking lately about my business name, Move Authentically. This name was developed when I started my business 9 years ago. I was envisioning physiotherapy care that genuinely helped folks move and be the best in their own bodies. There are many reasons we can develop tightness/compensation/pain, and moving authentically
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Breathing Group Classes

  • Posted by Christine
  • On December 30, 2023
  • 0
Breathing Assessment & Treatment Group Classes for Physiotherapy Clients at Kingston Integrated Healthcare with Christine Campbell, MScPT 4 Monday evenings, 6:30pm to 8pm, upstairs at KIHC     These small in-person group classes** are recurring, and designed for current clients of Christine Campbell. Participants will leave with an individualized treatment plan (and sometimes homework!) pertaining to that class’s main topic of
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Moving Announcement! 📣

  • Posted by Christine
  • On December 3, 2023
  • 0
Hello all, As you may know, I am moving my practice, and will be in my new space as of January 1st, 2024! Move Authentically Physiotherapy (MAP) will be located at 817 Blackburn Mews in the lower level. My new phone number is (613) 305-9844. I am very grateful to Sonya, and everyone at Kingston
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